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People living in the South Burnett requiring specialised urology services are now able to stay closer to home thanks to the expansion of the Specialist Outpatient Department at the Kingaroy Hospital.
Two urologists, Dr Sapre and Dr Wang, plus their clinical support staff are now seeing patients at Kingaroy Hospital to provide diagnosis and treatment of diseases and conditions related to the urinary tract.
“There has been a growth in the local need for specialised outpatient services,” Kingaroy Hospital Director of Nursing Gaye Binns said.
“There is now an opportunity for those residents to be able to stay closer to home to receive their care.”
Jackie Isaacson is the Specialist Outpatient Department clinical nurse. She’s been working in the clinic for about four years and has just recently been promoted to clinical nurse.
“Having the clinics here at the hospital removes the need for people to travel outside of the region for their initial or follow-up appointments with their specialists,” she said.
“Travelling for medical reasons has such an impact on people and not just those requiring care. It’s the patient’s families who are impacted too because they are often needed to drive their loved ones to and from appointments.
“This service has a huge positive impact on our patients.”
Jackie Isaacso, Specialist Outpatient Department clinical nurse.
The Specialist Outpatient Department at Kingaroy Hospital also provides a variety of services to patients including cardiology, gynaecology, obstetrics, surgical and paediatrics, as well as a pacemaker clinic.
A doctor’s referral for any of these services is required.