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Darling Downs Health is marking Mental Health Week this year with a series of events aimed at raising awareness, connecting communities, and forging relationships.
The aim is in line with the themes of Queensland Mental Health Week of Awareness, Belonging and Connection.
Darling Downs Health Executive Director for Mental Health and Alcohol and Other Drugs, Greg Neilson said there were several community-based activities being held across the region.
“The events are an important way for us to raise awareness about mental health and the importance of reaching out for support when we need it.
“They also go a long way to help make connections across our communities and create a sense of belonging, both of which improve an individual’s mental health.”
From free yoga and meditations to community barbecues and wellness fairs, Mr Neilson said there was an event for everyone.
“Events are happening in nearly all corners of our health service,” Mr Neilson said.
Queensland Mental Health Week is being held from 8 to 16 October 2022.
For more information about Darling Downs Health Mental Health services visit: www.darlingdowns.health.qld.gov.au/services/mental-health