Busy June 2024 quarter for Darling Downs Health

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Toowoomba Hospital

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In line with the increased demand for healthcare across Queensland and Australia, Darling Downs Health continues to see sustained growth in the number of presentations to its Emergency Departments (EDs).

The June 2024 quarterly data shows 49,656 people presented to Emergency Departments across the Health Service, a four per cent increase when compared to the same period in 2023.

Darling Downs Health Chief Executive, Annette Scott PSM, said the increase in ED presentations is accompanied by a rise in the number of patients presenting with severe, life-threatening conditions.

“The largest increase in presentations was seen in Category 1 patients with a 19 per cent increase when compared to the same quarter last year. Whilst no one who presents at Darling Downs Health Emergency Department will be turned away, when patients arrive, they are triaged into one of five categories, with Category 1 being the most urgent requiring immediate life-saving treatment.

“Despite the increased patient volume, our Emergency Departments continue to see all Category 1 patients in the clinically recommended timeframe, ensuring they receive immediate care.

“The current median wait time to be seen in our EDs is 20 minutes, this reflects the exceptional efforts of our staff who work tirelessly 24/7 to provide high-quality care.

“With the continued demand on our service, we remain committed to enhancing patient experiences and outcomes.

Darling Downs Health Chief Executive, Annette Scott PSM

“For Toowoomba residents needing access to free urgent treatment for conditions that aren’t life threatening, we encourage people to seek treatment at the Medicare Urgent Care Clinic located at the corner of West and James Streets,” Ms Scott said.The Patient Off Stretcher Time (POST) at Toowoomba Hospital saw 58.4 per cent of patients transferred off a Queensland Ambulance Service (QAS) stretcher within 30 minutes. POST refers to the time taken to transfer a patient from the QAS upon arrival to an ED to the ED clinical staff.